in-class activities, Uncategorized

What is New Media?

From doing the readings, I’ve got an idea. About as much as anyone else, it seems.

New Media is technology-based. It utilizes digital mediums to produce content. It may be collaborative. Community-based. It’s active. It’s changing. What was once new media may not now be. What will be new media in the future is completely unpredictable.

Dynamic. New media is dynamic.

It’s not magazines or television. It’s web sites. Social media. Games. It can be interactive. Digital and engaging.

It’s changed business. It has changed social interaction. It has changed the expression of ideas and the way we share and discuss them. Content is delivered differently than before, through different means.

New media is fluid. Adapting to changes in the world and the progression of technology.

At the same time, it changes the world.

I guess that’s new media.
